PALM is a laboratory of excellence in the scientific community of the Paris-Saclay Campus, created and supported by the Fondation de coopération scientifique of Campus Paris-Saclay.
The scientific contour of PALM encompasses the physics of condensed matter, atomic and molecular physics, optics, lasers and “extreme” light, statistical physics and physical chemistry. It gathers a research community of about 700 scientists on the Paris-Saclay campus from 31 institutes belonging to 12 research / academic entities (CNRS, CEA, Paris-Sud university, Paris-Saclay university, Institut d’Optique Graduate School, Ecole Polytechnique, ONERA, ENSTA, ENS Paris-Saclay, Ecole Centrale –Supelec, Synchrotron Soleil and Thales).
PALM aims at developing collaborations and interactions between researchers working in different subfields and/or in different institutions on the Paris-Saclay campus. The scientific project is organized around three focus topics, “Quantum Matter”, “Complex Systems” and “Ultrafast Dynamics”. In addition, a fourth topic, named “Emergence, Evolution and Rapid Reaction” allows a rapid response to smaller scale projects and can provide seed funding for emergent ideas. Two other topics link our LabEx with the surrounding world, the academic one through the “Higher Education” projects and the socio-economic one through “Innovation” and outreach, all in close relationship.